


日期  2323-11-22
類別  原住民民族學院
系別  原住民民族學院
標題  「願景與挑戰:新世紀架構下的原住民族」 國立東華大學原住民民族學院22週年院慶國際研討會



2023 NDHU CIS International Conference Vision and Challenge: A New Era of Indigenous Peoples


日期: 2023年11月24日 星期五

時間: 08:45am-18:00

地點: 國立東華大學原住民民族學院國際會議廳(B123)

參與國家: 台灣、美國、印尼、澳洲、紐西蘭



This conference takes its cue from the fact that various advocacies and public policies have refueled interest in the indigenous peoples in recent years, be it the economy, environmental justice, or reconsiderations of Taiwan’s colonial past. It aims to explore the multi-layered interest in Taiwan’s indigenous peoples’ developments in the 21st century, as writers and researchers alike critically engage with the ideologically charged notion of the relationship between indigenous peoples and the nation by re-reading and reconfiguring popular tropes.With its interdisciplinary focus, the conference invites contributions from researchers in linguistics, social welfare, and cultural identity, as well as from scholars in performance and arts with an interest in the modernist period.











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